3 Free Market Data Reports for All MLSListings Subscribers
Choose from over 25 different reports with your picture and your branding. You pick the city, ZIP Code, MLS Area or school district.
A member of MLSListings? You are automatically provided a market trend report benefit. Provide local real estate data to clients and prospects every month. Emailed to you in 10 minutes or less, Aculist's popular reports are great for open houses, farming and listing meetings. Login to Pro to get started today!
For help requesting your free reports, please contact us.
3 Free – How Does This Work?… Select from city, MLS area, zip code, elementary and high school district information with reports that are customized to your needs, including your branding —delivered right to your inbox within 10 minutes.
- Step 1: Login to Pro
- Step 2: Click on the Aculist button named "Aculist Market Reports"
- Step 3: Enter your search into the search bar - San Jose, 94404 or Fremont School District
- Step 4: Select an option from the drop-down menu
- Step 5: Find a report that works best for you and click on the button "Email Me Free Report"